
The escalating effects of climate change are of paramount importance. Byron Shire is suffering, and what has Byron Shire Council done to reduce emissions? The answer is very little.
As an example, with coastal erosion, Council argues that nature should be left to run its course. In fact, human interference such as building a breakwall and a long history of sand mining, has caused substantial damage. These man-made problems need man-made solutions. A high priority for the Byron Shire Action Group is to implement long-term solutions, based on national and global best practice to stabilise the foreshore and to save the few remaining mature trees.
Our Actions:
- Bring forward Council’s net zero emissions target; exceed Council’s targeted annual reduction of 2.5% use of fossil-based energy.
- Work with NSW Government to investigate all cost-effective and environmentally-friendly options to future-proof our beach assets from the threat of storm surges.
- Establish more wildlife and feral predator-free corridors.
- Use sustainable material technologies including green concrete, recycled glass and aggregate in roads and footpaths, and recycled plastic for street furniture, play equipment and fence posts.
- Ban single-use plastics.
- Support Ag Tech initiatives, best sustainable farming practice, soil regeneration, and reduced water usage.
- Review sewage treatment outflows into the Belongil estuary.